Five Nights at C**tcat's
1 year ago

Version 4.0.4 - The last one... FOR REAL.

  • Made some bosses in Prelude beatable.

  • Fixed the Battleback during the Shadow Candy section in Show Stage/Primary Party Room.

  • Fixed some Typos in dialogue towards the "final boss" fight.

  • Added table dialogue to one object in the Delayed route.

  • Fixed one colour sentence in Delayed Route.

  • Put saves closer in Main Story Endings.

  • Fixed Menu disable at the VERY start.

  • Buffed skills for Ending Party Member in Delayed Route.



Next up


The Five Nights at C**tcat's 2 page is up!

heres the link to it:

Perpare in half a hour... :) also yeah i haven't beta tested this myself which is bad but there's a reason for that i will explain later so perpare for bugs aswell lol

"It's really starting to fall down isn't it"

i haven't posted anything on this for while now so...

here is a screenshot of a battle later in the game.

FNaFb4 Demo V0.4.0 Skills and Marionne Update is out!

if you have a recommendation to make a change in a skill, don't hesitate to tell me.

FNaCc 1 Update Devlog

. . .

Yeah another FNaFb4 Fan Game, it's only a demo for now (yes i don't have a better image to use in this post)

Soooo... within my free time i had a look at the already existing sprite for Malhare/Glitchtrap and thought hey that could use some improvement soooo

Here is a new custom made sprite that i made for Malhare, i also did Vanny aswell

If used give credit