Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's (Classic)
4 days ago

Version 4.0 has been a popular subject around the FNaPF community, even inspiring an urban legend. So in honor of it, I am keeping this game untouched for those who want to experience the version that fueled the urban legend and rumors.

If you want to play the infamous version, known as 4.0, then it is playable here. Also, please note that there is hope, and if you are planning suicide, call 988 (Suicide and Crisis Lifeline).

Regardless of whether the urban legend is clearly fake, if you lost a beloved one (like your pets, siblings, etc.) or are planning to end it all, I really do care for you. Please understand that there's hope; stay safe.



Next up

To be continued.

Feel free to analyze this image, if you like. There are a lot of things to analyze and I would love to hear what you’re seeing in the image and seeing easter eggs.

Prototype Fredbear & his friends are waiting.

This game may not be out yet. 3/23/2021..

Here's a unused image that I didn't use.

The aftermath of the fire of Joseph’s World INC…

Play (and record) the second game to figure out what caused this, be sure to follow the third game as well. 👀


Remember my clarification on the urban legend being fake? Well, in case, it is real. Here are words of warning for you to remember.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

FNaPF but as SCPS! (Prototype Fredbear, Lolbit & Bonnet, Springbonnie, Springfreddy, and Shadow Fredbear)

(suggest me what to do with the numbers. I can't think of any good ones so I choose “XXXX”)

Urban Legend of Five Nights at Prototype Fredbear's..

This story was written by a Tumblr user (Tobyblogger) who witnessed the horrific events in a different copy of the game. He gave me permission to post this here.

Rat Race Production Update

Always curious about the basement of Fredbears (as mentioned in the newspaper in the second game)? Well, you can now explore it in the classic gameplay seen in the OG FNaPF when it was first released with three new characters!