4 years ago

We all hate doing it, but yet this part of a game is essential too. #coding #gamedev #error #errors

This was the first version of my error screen when I set up the Apollo Game Engine, planned to use to make the improved version of Star Story.

Although these screens are hated, and hopefully nobody ever gets to see them, yet they are essential, because in the case something DOES go wrong these screens tell us a bit about what went wrong, and hopefully also why.

This is also why I did want to style it out a bit, and since this was also my first big C++ project, this screen also allowed me to get the hang of a few important aspects of game development in C++. Since a crash-out screen is not too complicated to write it was a good practice for me before we get into the real stuff, as yes, I do plan to make this engine compatible with Kthura, and since the current version of Kthura was entirely written in C#, I'll have one hell of a job to make it all work in C++. One important note, this article was written on August 25, 2020, and appears many months later to you (I schedule my blogs in order to give you a kind of interval), so by the time you read this, the engine must be capable of that (unless I cancelled it, but that doesn't seem too likely anymore, but as there are still things that I fear a bit for at the time of writing... Oh well).

The background picture is from the public domain though, and I guess you all know what my source of inspiration was to shape the screen like this. My NALA engine used for Dyrt(dot)NET has a similar error screen by the way.

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