After so long we have reached 100 follows to this game and I am very grateful for all of you who decided to stick around and follow this piece of shit game

I am also thankful to those who decided to help me over the years as i wouldnt be able to make all the thing i did here without those people
For a bit of news i have finished dungeon#3 and now I am moving to make a new era based of fnaf4 with my own take on map (it might look simular to some other ones but there is only so much you can do to it without going overboard)

I will alse here reveal a side section where you fight with your classic crew but there is a catch

You do not have your normal equipment or weapons as you only have access to gear you are given and in shop ones while your stats are low (the night xxx ones)
I have also decided to release one old builds that i have where the game had a whole different direction of being collection of old remastered games but i decided to stick with finale for the better or worse
And for the end have a few random screenshots

So good day and thank you all for sticking with me
(so if you have gotten to this park thank you and pls comment a character you want to appear in this game and i might be able to put them in)