Hey everyone!
With the recent release of the Gamejolt page, the game has got significant progress overall. For those new to the game, Ever-Sleep is an original horror game with its own story and no ties to anything I have made prior. It is its own thing, made purely from my own mind.
As usual, before we get into the news, we should shout-out those who have left charged stickers this past week since the last update post:
Thank you to the people mentioned for leaving at least one charged sticker on my stuff, I always appreciate your support!
Now then, let's recap how far into production this game is. It is a shorter game, so it isn't always something I am focusing on 24/7.
So far, the second floor, the elevator and the maintenance tunnels are pretty much done, save for a sound effect and a minor thing for the elevator. Right now, I am working on a separate part of the second floor that also happens to be a security room. (FNaF reference)

It's not like there are actually any cameras you can use, however. You are in the middle of a power-outage, so it wouldn't make too much sense if you're able to use something directly connected to the main power grid. The short version: You ain't using cameras.
The main thing I need to work on right now is to get the two objectives' scripts down for this particular room, as well as the interactive elements, like turning and moving. Other than that, the other parts are spoilers to the plot. Funny thing is, this room isn't much, yet it has quite a bit to offer. It's odd how these things work out in retrospect.
This room also allowed me to experiment with some visual effects for the render, specifically with the window and the light coming through it. It isn't much, but it's still something I am proud of. You won't be in this area much, save for like two different times for two different reasons, but this will be where you will be properly introduced to a new creature/effigy.

As for why these things are called "effigies", they aren't exactly alive nor are they dead, they are just things that happen to have certain attributes that make them alive.

All of them are teased here in this poster, so consider your first-look at the other antagonists. If the page hits 100 followers before the release of the game, I will show off the full design of the second effigy.
Outside of Ever-Sleep, the modelling for that thing I keep talking about is going well. I'm working on the outdoor environment for it and it looks hot!
This might be the most intricate I have been with modelling so far, so I am hoping my mindset continues to stay this way. It's far from done, very far from done, in fact; I'm really having a blast though. While I can't say what this is all for, it's something being worked on in the background and won't be revealed until probably long after Ever-Sleep is done.
Currently, I have pretty much got how potential teasers would be handled if it does come to light. All I can say is, it's going to be some food for thought.
As always, thank you for reading this. See you next Friday!
Dr. Cross