As a note, nothing here is final. The game is in it's prototype phase, meaning anything is subject to change.
Next up
Sci-Jewel's OST has been delisted from TMG's Game Music Library. (See image for more info)
The music reveal for the Head-to-Head multiplayer mode goes live December 10th @ 11:30 AM PST!
Introducing...Board Mines!
This game's version of Bomb Gems!
Sci-Jewel's second dev log is coming!
I’m f-
Sci-Jewel's second dev log officially goes live today at 1:30 PM Pacific Time!
So, you all know the current Sci-Jewel logo, right?
It looks epic, it's way better and way cooler than the older rendition of the SJ logo...but did you know there was going to be a completely different redesign than what's used currently?
Very easiest Undertale fangame that even infant can complete it!
How will we handle the digital ownership status for Sci-Jewel? Once you purchase the game, you own it. Period.