The Return to Freddy's: Winter Wonderland
4 years ago

What's going on?

Hey guys, so as you may of heard the games release date got delayed. What was originally a "small delay" has turned into something longer than we expected. Pretty much after the game got delayed, we took a bit of a break. We were all burnt out and just needed to chill. However, when we came back and took a look at the game, we realized visually, some things weren't up to the standards we wanted. So we spent about the last week just updating some older graphics to make them better, along with finishing the last few things we needed. What's the point of telling you all of this?

The game is nearly finished. Right now we're in the play-testing phase. Sending the game out to our beta testers to get some feedback, fix glitches, and adjust some things. I can confidently say the game will be out within the coming days. We're really excited for you guys to play the game, and we hope you're still excited after all this time This will be the last devlog post until the game releases, so until then,

~ Luminance Productions




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