we "the shitbush community" were in fact preparing fnafb4 HFU community game for the fnafb 10th anniversary week marathon but we've run into some issues down the road so we've decided to scrap it (well scrapping isn't really the right word for it to be honest we will show some of the things that we were planning in a different form of way hopefully) so after that whole oredeal i decided to take the lead for the project and work on a golden edition remake as we felt it was more appropriate for this anniversary as well, we also decided to keep the project change hidden as a way to suprise the people from the fnafb gamejolt discord server and gamejolt page too as none of them were expecting it and low and behold people loved the demo suprisenly so yeah welcome golden edition you'll be seeing more of this game because as of currently it's a day 1 demo

what the actual community project is (GE REGILDED)
to keep it short:
Next up
F***Boy's Wild West - REDUX UPDATE
BIGGER, BADDER, and, Wilder ?
after some time I decided to update the game with not only bug fixes and balance changes but also additional new content
The Following Update Contains:
sktcaeu patch note 1.1.0:
New and improved fnafb fangame Tierlist Brought to you once again by the fnafb gamejolt community server
News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?
It's Here!, Springtrap Kills The CAE Universe Has Been Released
After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!
hey it's been a while been working on my next project in the background but i also noticed there were some problematic bugs and balance issues which is what this patch is made for so by now the new download package should have fixed the bugs
it's not over yet..
Find the Omega Hat