Wrestle Camp 2: An Episodic Series (For X64 Windows Microsoft PowerPoint [PPT] 2016+) - With A Vastly-Updated, Much-Faster Engine, Featuring Immensely-Improved Controls And Audio, And Real-Time AI-Textured Full-3D Environments
1 year ago

Who wants an in-game CGI-movie to play-out between matches, with each new episode featuring another scene until we've finished the film?!

Here at "JadeJohnson Films™", we're unique in that we always focus on the audio-experience before the visuals.

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Proof That Bebe's Art Studio's Dojo Mode And Wrestle Camp 2 Are Being Developed Simultaneously

The sixteen-bit iKuma SARI Slide-Show-Gaming Console was supposed to receive a Vocal-Synthesis-Support-Update before the end of its lifespan, but said feature was cancelled at the last minute, because... well... just listen to this!

Saturday-Night Slam Highlights: New Move Invented — Caught On Camera — The Knock-Out-Kick!

I have composed this song!! What do you think?

Here's a little bonus clip for you:

This woman here, who's covered in mud, is Brandy Johnson. She batters other people, and is also Dr. Bradley Cutler, MD's bitter rival, who's stage he destroys if he wins!

No real need for AI in this clip.

Sick Sonic Remix by SARE!

If Harry Potter And Hermione Granger Were Gamer Muggles:

Made with HotShot AI GIF Generator.


Harry Potter and Hermione Granger sitting together on a couch playing Super Mario Odyssey on a television.

Let's Play Apple Game In EdWhim - Official JadeJohnson Games Messenger Internet Longplay Part 3

I made this song in honor of my recently dead cat. I composed it while I was crying with a lot of inner anxiety. The song is called "Lorca", which was the name of my poor kitten. I hope you like it...

Let's Play Apple Game In EdWhim - Official JadeJohnson Games Messenger Internet Longplay Part 3