
Hey guys. We are here (even though we don't want to be) for an update on VoF. Yes, a stinking update on a game that has been completed since February 2019. So sit down, grab some snacks, and listen to the crappy tale of our woes! Sis, how about you start it off...

Okay, so a couple of days ago, we were looking at a gameplay video of VoF on YouTube. During one of the scenes, we noticed that the lighting was weird looking. At the time we didn't think much of it, until...THE GAME BLEW UP!

Girl what are you talking about!? The game didn't blow up! Y'know what, I'll just tell the story!

So like that crazy gal was saying, we didn't think much of it, until we checked the VoF files on our end, and LONG AND BEHOLD, the glitch manifested itself and I'm not going to lie, I was about to chuck my computer out of the window!

She was going to make that computer believe it could fly!

But no worries, we have found the issue, and have updated the lighting file! So, like always, here is the changelog (v 2.2.4):
Updated Lighting File
Updated v 2.2.4 patch
Since we were already messing with the files of VoF, we also decided to update the "VoF Tip Sheet". We found out that a lot of people were abandoning the game because they were getting stuck on the "Nightmare Maze". So we added a hint on there on how to conquer the "Nightmare Maze" like a pro.
Alright now, we really hope that VoF gets its life, and stops creating problems. We are working hard on other things, so it gets a little agitating that we STILL have to come back to it. But we hope you enjoyed our sad little tale, and this is Jen&Sis...signing off!