7 months ago

Woop! Fixed Portrait blinking rate!



Next up


Happy March everyone! I hope you're all doing well! Worked on magic, enemies and making things more efficient this month!

Another month down, and another chunk of game done! I hope you're all doing well and having a great new year so far!

I don't feel like I got as much done as last month (weird since that was holidays XD) but I'm happy with my progress!

Heck yeah! Love these quests!

some goblin pixel art

I really wanna make new stickers, but I've been super busy and have no time...so I'm gonna re-release the first pack!

Hopefully I'll find time for new ones soon.

Also, upgraded them all to SHINY.

"Just a box"

We're nearing the end of the month so I want to thank everyone again for your support and charged stickers, they really help a lot

Extra thanks to those that made it onto the supporter statue

Can't wait to see who's on this months!

Thank you al!

Testing out Mulit-shot magic, I like it but I'm not sure if I'll use it. Maybe as a charge attack?