5 years ago

Working on a v1.1 patch to address some feedback - full changelog in the post

After additional testing of the 1.0 version, I have received some additional feedback, and - therefore - started working on a balance patch. The patch will be uploaded on the 15th December. The confirmed changes are listed in the following:

v. 1.0 (31.07.2019)

* vanilla version of the game

v. 1.1

- System changes -

* fixed bug which allowed for some moves to be delay-chained, thus canceling unrelated moves

* added 24 frames of hitstun to Trigger Guard, thus reducing the advantage on successful TG

* added "yellow flash" during Impact Cancel to make it more obvious

* added Infinite Prevention System, reducing hitstun of repeated moves performed outside Trigger Mode

* removed option-select Trigger Guard (keeping Trigger pressed while guarding the wrong way would have started a buffered TG)

* added buffer for running attacks, such that the attack will come out at the first possible frame even if the button is pressed too soon (during the 8f cooldown)

* grounded back roll movement nerfed to around half

* grounded side roll is now invincible against low attacks

* backdashes/sidedashes have now less end lag if followed up by a damaging standing move

* backdashes made universal and moved to the "common" moveset

Character specific changes

- Mystery Johnson -

* 3K Hat Trick Cannonball run cancel window moved 15f later to prevent 3K infinite in the corner

* added 7K Coonskin Cap followup to Johnson's 1K, r.K and c.1K

* 7K Coonskin Cap: increased hitbox size of to allow it to hit close range and don't "clip" the opponent

* cancel window for Spiral Turban Special into Cannonball Kick anticipated by 3f

* 6K Sombrero Roundabout: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 6K Sombrero followup: startup decreased by 3f

* 6PPK final kick: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 3K during a combo cannot be run canceled anymore (counts as a different move)

* 4K Low followup: increased range

* added 6K and 9K as a followup to the non-Impact roundhouse kick

- Tiger Sambiong -

* 6K Rolling Sobat followup: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* K Scarlet Screw followup kick: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* increased side movement of both 2T and 8T Side Roll

- Shaz Aliart -

* r.K Gut Smasher: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 4K Gut Smasher: allowed a cancel window 13 frames earlier than before

* 6PPK Impact kick: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

- Aylin Mary Yang -

* j.K Ancient Lotus: increased damage from 12 to 23, reduced recovery, added 2K and 8K followup

* 8K Wheel of Fortune: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 5KKK last hit: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 5KK: added 2K Twin Scissors low followup

* 2K/c.K: reduced recovery by 3 frames

* P+K P P: cancel window moved 10 frames sooner

* added new move: 1P Palms of Shiva (similar to the 3rd hit of her P+K P P string)

* c.PP last hit: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 6P: increased hitstun

- Cyphr Wolfchild -

* r.P Durch den Monsun: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 4KKK Blitzkrieg Revolver: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* RH~4K Holzhacker: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

- Jenn Husler -

* r.9K Luin Celtchair: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* r.K Del Chliss: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 4PK Gae Assail (last kick): scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 4T/r.T Banshee Mist: increased damage from 10 to 15

- Mono Kishima -

* 3P Mid followup can be used to cancel Fashion Promenade at any point

* 6P Gentle Ironing has now a strong reaction and travels farther

* Enlarged hitbox on 2P Highrise Atelier, damage increased from 15 to 20

* Increased forward movement of 2P Highrise Atelier

* 2K Linen Whirlpool has now a earlier cancel window. Now, 2KK is a true combo

* new move: 2 8 T Magnificent Applause Encore (longer ranger air flip, after Velvet Cross)

* increased horizontal range of j.K Sales Season

* increased range and damage of r.K Mon Mignon Pret-a-porter

* every variant of Velvet Cross has now damage scaling (minimum damage: 50%)

* 5T Curtain Call has now damage scaling (minimum damage: 75%)

* c.P+K Cotton Cross damage increased from 8 to 15. Scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 2KKK Linen Whirlpool (last hit): scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

- Skeleton Skallen -

* 2T Hellfire: hitbox size reduced by 20% to prevent "ghost hits"

* Grim Compilation Mid finisher: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* Grim Compilation High finisher: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* r.K Running Kick: increased hitstun on hit and block

- Graf Shabeel -

* 5P+K Colony Drop: reaction changed to Standing Impact, added 4P followup

* r.K Burning Knee: added 5P+K and 8K followup

* r.P Server Fault: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* 8P: decreased recovery time

* 4P Impact Surprise Punch: scaling removed - not after throw (minimum damage: 100%)

- Evilobster -

* c.P Tactical Nuke: Mid invincibility cut down to the first 3 frames, High invincibility cut down to 13 frames (from 23)

* r.K Open the Watergate: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

- H-168 Krave -

* c.P A Headbutt by Another Name: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%), damage increased from 7 to 15

* G+T Da Da Dab: cancel window increased, now can be canceled after 8f in any of its followups

* r.P Mister Driller (II): scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

- Elena Marea -

* 4T~8K Killer Loop Backflip: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* r.P Bismarck Cannon: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%), damage increased to 25

- Kiyoko Nanabi / Kaya Kurogami -

* 4P Here Comes the Rain: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

* K Impact Mid kick: scaling removed (minimum damage: 100%)

- Wally Alba -

* 5KK Globetrotter Talon: increased forward movement

* 5PPP flurry finisher: increased forward movement (previously, the last hit could not combo into small characters)

All the characters not listed here received no change. In case you need any information, ask in the comments!



Next up

SCHWB v1.6 update is (slightly) delayed to middle of June, due to a couple other indie fighting games coming out at the end of May (thus avoiding a pile-up with them). Fanart submissions for the final release are still open!

Schwarzerblitz v 1.4.6 is out! New costumes, a new stage and bug fixes!

To celebrate its 5th anniversary, I've written an article about the very first, janky, SCHWB alpha from 2017! Thank you to all of you who followed the game since its inception despite the jank!…

Date a gay shark! Or a lesbian disaster! And uncover the mystery behind the Man who Speaks with Flowers in a new Schwarzerblitz short visual novel! Out now:…

Seven years after the first alpha, Schwarzerblitz v1.6 is out with a HUGE update!

On June 1, 2024. The Red Riding Wolf will howl.

Schwarzerblitz version v1.6 is coming soon, with a new playable character, new arcade endings and a lot of system changes.

The black lightning will strike again.

Aaaand here's the final version, straight from the early '00s!

Due to some issues with setting financial information on GameJolt, I am currently not able to offer the latest DLC through this platform.

"Tales from the Epilogue" is currently available on itch and Steam, but compatible with the GJ version of the game.

The impossible happened! Schwarzerblitz was featured at EVO 2022 in the Indie Showcase stream, so YES, let me repeat it, SCHWB WAS SHOWN AT EVO 2022!

Thank you all for your continued support, without you and GameJolt, this wouldn't have been possible!

I got suddenly nostalgic for old game magazines (please, forgive my typo, it was pride yourself on, not of, darnit)