Bryant’s Revenge (A Very Hard Boss Fight Runner 2)

1 month ago

Working on Rails since idk what to work on majorly for this besides animation, they work just as the same as regular geometry as of now, but I'll just get their basic functions in soon



Next up

The Youtube Algorithm has blessed me

An concept for Kai’s Sister

I added the Hummer Guy from Family guy and Loona from Helluva Boss to my island, Hummer guy was a suggestion, but I just wanted to add Loona cuz why not no other reason

Happy Valentine's day

Bad news guys I accidentally deleted everything by accidentally clicking the block- oh wait nvm

But yeah I managed to create it!

There's actually a reason why I did it this way than doing the standard way of doin it

bless the file extention

Just thought that Benji loves honey a lot more than I do

(I still love honey a lot he can be more obsessed with it lol)

Blue Spheres

Twins of Chaos

Kai thinkin about the usual