Sonic Origins Plus Plus
1 year ago

Wow, 20 followers! Thanks for everything, guys.
Development is still frozen, but i started to rework some graphics and i feel like soon i will come back to it. Not sure how soon, but in this half of year for sure



Next up

I'm melting due to high temperature outside and inside my room, but believe it or not, I started to recode this piece of ****. Also a little note. I have to remove arcade titles now, but I will try to bring them back as update.

Ni hao, comrades!

So, yeah. I record material for gameplay trailer, and today is the day, that I finally managed to emulate Sega arcades with my collection. Next day I will test version indev11, so see ya

Yours, Voland

So... I've got news...

I appreciate all your support comrades, but I am doing everything I can for this game.

See ya somewhen somewhere, when wind of changes will change it's direction once again

Ni hao, comrades.

I dont have any idea, where do i put Chaotix island, so i want to ask you. If at least somebody will suggest a place on this map, it would be awesome

Ni hao, comrades!

Trailer is loaded on YouTube, and premire will be on 6th of April at 12:30 (UTC+3)!

See ya tommorow.

A little bit of fun facts while I can't work.

Original name of project was "Sonic's True Origins" and it was started as an archive on my phone in early November of 2022, but since January of 2023 I work on PC version, and since November 2023 I am here.

I just f***ing love Microsoft Defender... In case you wonder, project progress on moment of 2nd of September is... 10%.

I did backup only for menu assets...

Ni hao, comrades! You remember map from S.O.? Yeah... it got a little downgrade to fit style of collection now. It's kinda strange to have 3d islands in a 2d collection, right?

(First picture - old map, second - new map)

Just a pixel artwork for Era of Mobius

Screw Aseprite. I believe in Paint_net.