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Alpha 0.0.9!
- added bricks, you can't go away from map
- camera fixed
- camera follow circle
- fixed bugs
Альфа 0.0.9!
- Добавлены кирпичи, с карты нельзя уйти
- исправлена камера
- Камера следует за кругом
- исправлены ошибки
@FatBombStudios is a CCC+ Studio that makes games you love but don't know about!
They're the devs behind the fast paced hide and seek game Light Bearers 2:
We think you SHOULD know about them so complete the quest!
@FatBombStudios ' Light Bearers 2 is out now!
It's a fast paced hide and seek, asymmetrical multiplayer horror game!
Play the game for FREE on Steam
+ blocks.The next goal is to make 3 lives and a normal collision, and I'll hint ChatGPT about points.
+ блоки. Следующая цель - сделать 3 жизни и норм коллизию,намекну ChatGPT по поводу очков
(I'll change textures/Я поменяю текстуры)
Congratulations to our War Thunder quest winners!
The quests and event may be over, but you can still play the game:
Thank you to everyone who entered!