Post about Digimon!

Happy Odaiba day!


Little Patamon Sprite!

So many of the Digimon are so cute or super cool! I love them all! (Except MetalSeadramon. He's Mid.)

#digimon #patamon

Try beating all Digimon in the Colosseum.

Gameplay Available!


Hello everyone,
Im starting to post some gameplay pictures of my current project.

a something more t r a d i t i o n a l this time. Lately I've been kinda obsessed with emulating the physicality of real life art tools. As a result, this ink-y Agumon came up.

This is some art I drew yesterday. It's Gatomon!

I've been watching Digimon Adventure (1999) lately, and I love the show so much! Might make more art of the characters soon.

#digimon #art #pixelart


One of my fav Digimon 🦇💙

Why is he giving me D-Reaper vibes???


Okay nevermind I was wrong, The Digimon just turns back into a Digiegg. We good.