Programming (non-Game Dev)
Post about Programming (non-Game Dev)!

fnaf world is now 9 years old, i have not played so gonna do that soon, maybe i'll make a video about it, also the challenge video that @TheGuyWhoPlaysGamesOfficial made, i'll be posting my gameplay around February, thanks to @GhostlyTheMan for the topic.

Something new...

Something old...

Я создал новое обновлени и добавил туда вот такого красавца!

Буду рад если вы оцените моё новое творение


Menu leak

Re-coding text engine was a good choice, a huge improvement in the performance and project's block size. The new engine will most likely reach around 1k at the end, but much better than 1.6k (the old engine), yes I'm already wrapping this up, thanks!

GDPR Popup: License

👉 👈


I don't think the breathing animation is working...


the messiah

when you acedently make similar code to someone elses...