Post about Rayman!

Rayman more like rayman

To be fair I haven’t watched this show, BUT WHAT ON GOD’S GREEN EARTH HAS HAPPENED TO RAYMAN 😭

the hell is this??

I just made a realisation.


what theire 3 forks talking for?

As if Prototype Rayman & who probably is Raynette was still used just like that.


jesus this is stupid

huge feture I:)

I'm probably going to release a demo of this level, once it's complete. Just need to finish a few systems up, get some animations in, and finish the last part of the level. Will also make a little teaser or something before releasing the demo

I've been hard at work making some of the basic features in Rayman. Here's the purple lums in action, well, in a screenshot. Thinking about posting a little playthrough of the Woods of Light level I've been making