RPG Maker
Post about RPG Maker!

This is what a stop on Mars would look like


Mi gente, miren el cambio que le hice a los gráficos del Exterior del juego (excepto del worldmap). Miren que belleza es.

Aquí van algunos artes conceptuales de un jefe del primer episodio de Power Star Fallen: "Aquel que Quiere Matar a Aiko".

Arte hecho por @Cynister .

Working on Chibi Shiro

Something about them: their big brother is a famous model, and he always feels his shadow over them. They became a bully, because they need to show they're up to something greater. But in reality they're not like they appear to be.

Just a jail, on the outside, reddish, rusty, and depressing.

Raspberry flavor

#pixelart #rpgmaker


This was my first Horror Rpg Maker game developed in 2020, and I finally managed to restore it and it will be released soon.

Old experiment with the dithering

#pixelart #rpgmaker

Quisiera anunciar "Fuera de Casa", un nuevo proyecto que he empezado a desarrollar. Power Star Journey: Mega Drived Cut esta cancelado por problemas en el proyecto, pero Fuera de Casa, tendrá todo lo que PSJ: MDC tendría (FDC esta inspirada de la MD).

another day of drawing, here's a bit of the area I'm working on, as always, trying to post daily to keep the rhythm. I also notice I'm almost at 500 followers, should do a special drawing to celebrate, but no idea what. anyway, thanks a lot!

Attack effect for one of the game's summons.

#pixelart #rpgmaker