RPG Maker
Post about RPG Maker!

CatJam updated demo, sooner or later? Very possibly (will have an actual post when the fancy strikes me). For now I post this ghost sprite that'll look really good in this post format.

Outfit study... guess who's gonna wear it?

At certain occasions, the game will now display a loading screen with randomized tips, this isn't just to look fancy as it is actually pre-loading assets for smoother gameplay.


"Where are we?"

Y'all are on your own to figure this out, i need to cook more..


Hace mucho que no publicaba nada del proyecto. Tuve que rehacer el juego desde cero, ya que la historia que yo propuse seria demasiado oscura :P.

Aquí va una vista previa del mapa.

Zashchitnik Otechestvo

Game build created by: StudioMosFilmV2

BUILD: 649

DOWNLOAD: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/hcjr14wtb6b2o2ao1k9o0/Zashchita_O…



Treasure hunters!

#pixelart #indiedev #gamedev


Titlescreen was looking old and kinda bland. Thought I'd rework it when adding the new logo.

Most stores will now be closed at night!


Mad Father was one of the first RPG Maker games I played, Aya always seemed too cute to have a chainsaw.

btw, does binary art count as pixel art? I won't post it in that category just in case.