POV: You’re Zhanna dating Soldier

Once the Steam Page and Demo is up, the GJ page will no longer get updated as much, and no further builds will be published either! I hope you're fine with heading over to steam and following the game there!

More War Thunder Quests Incoming!
• Tank, Plane, & Naval Decoration Challenge
• What Do YOU Think is at the Mysterious "D Point"?
• What's Your Favorite War Thunder Battle Type?
• Deploy the War Thunder Community Pack
Check your quest log!

Here's my #WarThunderNaval Vessel. I aimed to make the spookiest ship on the Seven Seas. I love the viewports being right in the Jack O'Lantern's eyes combined with the VERY busy pattern for the boat.

Major Jolt here! 🫡
I have requisitioned some War Thunder starter pack keys to be distributed to my forces.
Comment on this post and Game Jolt will DM you one next week.

Added the rest of the weapons!
Honestly, it’s not exactly a “wheel,” so I probably shouldn’t call it a weapon wheel, but hey... it gets the job done! What do you think? #gamedev

Here's my #WarThunderTank! The eyes on a tank are always funny (and I like that the barrel of the gun pops right out of the Jack O'Lantern's nose.)