Post about Yooka-Laylee!

What 2025 Game Are You Most Excited For? #GJAsks
Bye Sweet Carole.
I'm not quite sure if these other games are gonna come out this year or not. The games I'm most excited for is ENA: Dream BBQ, and Yooka-Replaylee.

Happy Joltober! It's Day 3, and today's prompt is Prompt 3: #Bat. I decided to draw Laylee from the Yooka-Laylee series. I love Collect-a-Thon Platformers—like Banjo-Kazooie and Yooka-Laylee. They just scratch that itch for me.

Happy #Joltober2023! It's Day 11 and today's prompt is Prompt 11: Slither. I decided to draw Trowzer from the Yooka-Laylee series.