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#GJAsks: What's an underrated classic more people need to play?

Hard to choose, but I would say Super Mario Bros. 2, literally a wonderful sequel, i've never beated it when i was little, but still enjoyable with a great adventure in it


There's many retro games that I love, so I might choose Sonic 2, i love so much this sequel, like the first one, i can't stop playing it in all these years, the adventure and zones are great like the first one, always the bestest sequel


Despite being so unsure of this, Sonic The Hedgehog was the first game i've beated, and i can't stop playing it until this year, i love the first game a lot, is just awesome to me like the sequel on 1992, just my most favorite game on this saga


Top BeatEmUp? 👇🏻

Streets of Rage 2
1992 Mega Drive

#MegaDrive #Genesis #16bit #90s #nostalgia #gaming #retrogaming