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#Centum Centum is a lie.

It looks so great and enjoyable from the trailer, pretty promising, hope you all enjoy the demo of this game by @serenityforge , this deserve much attentions, enjoy it well and have a beautiful day with your family

1 year of a good voice actor @Sim_Naum

The day that he started to be a voice actor, an awesome gamejolt creator that always do great jobs on these games that he's working on, he always keeps going well for being a voice actor on some characters

i'm still taking care of myself and family, feeding my pets and relaxing a lot, taking more showers and creams/pills, trying my best to feel better in these days and months, but still here for you guys

Have this cute crocodile i found.

Speaking of Super Mario Galaxy, have this 100% i did with Mario today, never been too difficult for me, and this is my first time obtaining every stars, still remains the bestest mario's game i've played, always enjoyable in all these years