Drew this after binge watching Murder Drones with my bestie @Sk3v1c0 , they loved it. We both agree that V is the best character and that J’s voice is hot
#murderdrones #j #hatsunemiku #vocaloid
#J + #TESSA || this song is so them chat trust || #murderdrones #murderdrone #jmd #md #mdj #murderdronesj #murderdronej #jmurderdrones #jmurderdrone #tessamd #mdtessa #murderdronestessa #tessamurderdrones #tessamurderdrone #murderdronetessa #edit #tiktok
I want a video game adaptions of murder drones
But it's the best animation Series
And V is the best
Thanks #GlitchProductions for this amazing series
#GJAsks #MurderDrones #N #V #J #Cyn #Uzi
#murderdrones #glitchproductions #fanart #j
Creepypasta Idea: I'm Sorry N #murderdrones #murderdronesart #art #creepypasta #creepypastaidea #N #J #serialdesignationN #serialdesignationJ #sdN #sdJ #murderdronesserialdesignationN #murderdronesserialdesignationJ #murderdronesN #murderdronesJ #fanart