
Warhammer 40,000

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Small details

As a mecha, I want to try to give you the details that mechas have, whether like Evangelion or Gundam, but of course, with certain touches of 'Cherry'

#DigitalArt #DigitalArtWork #Mech #Mecha #GianRobot #Artist #Robot

Surge to my version

I finally finished one of my favorite characters to a more robotic version, so to speak.

#BrawlStars #DigitalArt #DigitalArtist #Mecha #GiantRobot #Surge #OpenCommsissions

Giant Robots

As the next character to draw, this time it will be my favorite Brawler par excellence and the one I always choose first before others, can you guess who it is?

#BrawlStars #Mecha #Robots #GiantRobot #PacificRim #Giant

The Last Guardian

Pixel art that I had saved and for some reason I didn't upload, I would honestly like to tell you a little story, but I prefer that you imagine what happened

#PixelArt #Pixel #SciFi #PixelArtist #Robot #Mecha #BigRobot #Fiction #Destroy

Drawn cover

I already have the cover of the future video done, the idea is to draw it and add better details already drawn since I can't do it with Prisma

#IndieAnimation #IndieAnimator #3DModel #Robots #Mecha #Brothers #Metal