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Hope you people appreciated my valentines wishes, you guys are always amazing in every ways, if I forgot some, it will be all here with one message, hope you all had a beautiful valentines day with your good family, enjoy everything good on your lifes

#WeCareAboutSimNaum #ICareAboutYou

While i still feel bad about this amazing person @Sim_Naum , i'm here to help him for the recent events yesterday, and hope you people can give him some good comforts and spreading the hashtag, he deserves the help

Shoutout Forever #15: @BOXZEE

Boxzee gives comforts to people and loves being supportive to them, Boxzee also does amazing fanarts with an incredible artstyle, everything she does is always amazing, every single plans that she have is worth it

Shoutout Forever #18: @NotDragonGirl

NotDragonGirl is a wonderful artist who does amazing fanarts, even for some people, her artstyle is pretty good and every works that she have are always worth it, she always puts lots of efforts of them as well!