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Making a game with Unity. Sharing a sneakpeak from the gameplay. Work in progress...

#unity #gamedevelopment #3d #game #ufo #aliens #scifi

look at those faces

2. Mahhmamamamahh ohoooohooo

3. nooo, banana! the horse is named Bub

4. yes, that is me, Kris from Deltarune

5. I give someone this and this is their response...

Short plasticine stop-motion animation of an alien invasion created in 2010 for fun LOL

#Animation #Plasticine #StopMotion #Aliens #UFO

Alien Invasion - Stop Motion Animation
Short movie based on animation created about 10 years ago for fun.Music and sound effects made in TuxGuitar and Audacity.#stopmotionanimation #clayanimation

Short 3D animation made in Blender in a retro style imitating a monochrome LCD display.

#Blender #Animation #Retro #LCD #Space #UFO #Aliens

Guest from Outer Space - Blender Animation
Short 3D animation in retro style (monochrome LCD) made in Blender.Music and sound effects made in LMMS.Rendered on the Eevee engine.Inspiration:https://yout...