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Psst, i'm now helping @Kori-nya on finding new gamejolt creators, always doing my best to find them, this list is so deserved on this site, both Kori and Valischli are amazing on doing this whole list

Make sure to check this list for any updates!

While I was still helping @Kori-nya on finding new gamejolt creators for the list, I just checked the list for some updates, and turns out, some gamejolt creators are now retired due to inactivity, so sorry that this happened to all of them.

Obtained and did all War Thunder and The Knightling trophies, stickers and quests, can't wait for the full release of The Knightling, the demo looks promising and pretty good, hope you all enjoyed the demo a lot, for now, it looks a great adventure game

I still can't believe i won this, I was playing a lot before until i noticed this, just thanks @gamejolt

Bought 3 backgrounds from these amazing creators, i love them a lot

See you all tomorrow, y'all are always awesome and angelic!

Achieved these for now, wish you guys a lot of lucks for the new gj quests, for all war thunder players, stay stronger than ever and have much fun on the game, wishing y'all the best in these days and weeks, good luck and have an awesome month!