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1 year of a good voice actor @Sim_Naum

The day that he started to be a voice actor, an awesome gamejolt creator that always do great jobs on these games that he's working on, he always keeps going well for being a voice actor on some characters

i'm still taking care of myself and family, feeding my pets and relaxing a lot, taking more showers and creams/pills, trying my best to feel better in these days and months, but still here for you guys

Have this cute crocodile i found.

Hope you people appreciated my valentines wishes, you guys are always amazing in every ways, if I forgot some, it will be all here with one message, hope you all had a beautiful valentines day with your good family, enjoy everything good on your lifes

Introducing The Big Cat Post Deluxe.

2 days left until valentines day, hope you all take care well, the same for your pets, stay awesome and have a happy february, stay always happy

Check the article to see these good cats!