
Unleash the fiery wrath of the Lazurat! Dive into our game world and face this formidable creature born from mutation and inspiration. #GameDev #Lazurat #CreatureFeature #VisualNovel #GameArt #process #postapocalyptic


Black Apocalypse is a free story driven first person action game set in post apocalyptic world featuring  shooter and hack and slash and platformer gameplay. #postapocalyptic #action #shooter #melee

Some of these custom masks are already on my ebay page and I will be listing the others later today!!

#retrovandal #custommasks #custommask #postapocalyptic #paintball #paintballmask #OptimusPrime #batman


Customizing a couple of plastic toy muskets for my friend who's doing a Post Apocalyptic Pirate Cosplay next year - here's the first one!!

#retrovandal #postapo #postapocalyptic #piratelife #pirates #musket #propmaker #makingprops #cosplay #cosplaymaker

Black Apocalypse is a free story driven first person action game set in post apocalyptic world featuring  shooter and hack and slash and platformer gameplay. #shooter #action #postapocalyptic #3d #platformer #story #3dplatformer