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This a video of me playing a custom heretic to doom 2 mod with realm667 stuff included.... This is played with zrdoom 3.0 in Lzdoom with Reshade bumpmapped texture and HDR shaders loaded.... Makes heretic look next gen! #lzdoom #heretic #doom #reshade


Video of me playing Zrdoom 3.0 levels with Ultimate randomizer mod In Lzdoom using reshade to bumpmap and HDR it up! This is with my Retres texture replacer loaded with Bumpmapped Eternal Doom goodness!
#lzdoom #doom #procedural #whoneedsrtx? #reshade


This is Duke3d v10b + ZCajun Bot mod + Reshade with Bumpmapped textures + HDR + Bloom turned on... #lzdoom #whoneedsrtx? #Duke3d #reshade


This is what it likes to use Reshade to Infuse HDR + Bump mapping into Doom (with zrdoom 3.0 loaded) with the carmack renderer on. Imagine the response if ID pioneered this technology in Doom instead of Doom 3? #doom #reshade #nextgen #whoneedsrtx?