

(RUS) Разработка Русифицированной версии "Showdown Bandit"!

(ENG) Development of a Russified version of "Showdown Bandit"!

" Can you tell me where my eyes are? ".

#ShowdownBandit #Horror #Puzzle #Western #FanGame

The official Showdown Bandit: Stageplay trailer is now out on youtube!!! although my channel is so obscure when I looked it up, none of my stuff showed. so here's the link. (enjoy my rushed garbage) #showdownbandit #fangame #indie

Showdown bandit: Stageplay (Official teaser trailer) (Showdown bandit fangame) #showdownbandit
Showdown bandit Stageplay is a reimagined version of one of my favorite horror games, showdown bandit by kindly beastthis was rushed, i could just release th...

85.Showdown Bandit and after please don’t copy or take and leave comment #fyp #drawing #art #showdownbandit

The new sprite is ready)



