All Posts in aus2Danimation

what are you waiting for? share your creations

Everyone block @Frank_the_big_headed_hound , he's an alt account of @Jerlix_ziko

My school desk is cool and yours isn't

the figure comic: change the different color design

These horrid drawings are not the final designs but here are some concepts for some future random birds

What Would Yall Think About Blabbet From My Sining Monsters Replacing Stella In The Most Random Birds?

I know the poll said I'd share memes AND doodles but motivation low lol so uh yeh here is a meme
today is my 4th anniversary my youtube channel hooray
(seriously i'm late of 2022, 2023 and 2024 in anniversary in my channel my brain has been a mistake on a calender of march 5th)

I'm gonna be taking a long break from scratch but I'll still post here when I get the chance