All Posts in a night at bobby story line/books/fan game

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Who wants to make the soundtrack for a night at bobby's??? Read the article for the songs as references @SnezhanaMironova1 and more

read the article @ToyBonnieStudio @Atha1 @FazeFazbear-Studios and all so more

Read the article @Atha1

we officially have a official true design for Abby bear!! By @Atha1

Abby may have a new look because we don't want to recreate the toy chica of 14 so is redesigning her body @Atha1 but don't worry she'll still have that funtime chica look we just want sexual it too much.... yes, I am selling this I have been for a long whileis anyone gonna buy it? It's an original script that I made like a month or 2 ago

@Atha1 updated version and og

question, where would you see this book at answer poll

  9 votes about 3 hours left

From @Youy_Hah to @Atha1

@Youy_Hah is technically asking a request to change the bow tie to yellow and green and the top hat strap with yellow bc he is the artist of the game

@Atha1 is done with the Bobby files who's up next!! All you gotta do contestants that are left is make the box set or the five books or compete with @Atha1