general in The Legend of Zelda

Share Your Legend of Zelda Creations!

My #ZeldaMemory is when Midna has been exposed to the light and she is weakened by it. Link gets turned back into a wolf thanks to Zant.
The music, "Midna's Lament", plays as you take her to Hyrule Castle to meet Zelda.

My #ZeldaMemory definitely has to be with Spirit Tracks on the DS. It's incredibly charming and still holds a special place in my heart, especially since it's one of my first.
Hoping for a remaster of so people (and ME) can experience this gem again!

#ZeldaMemory I used to have Zelda Spirit Train as a kid, and also this mf.

When I played Breath of the Wild for the first time on my birthday last year.

My #ZeldaMemory started in 1989 with Zelda II: The Adventure of Link as the very first Zelda game that I ever play. What impress me at the time it introduce the game play premise of exploratory going from different scene mix with technique of combat.

Playing majora's mask for the first time and beating it