Art in The Peaceful Community

Post… Now!!

I made my own version of Faron because I was bored last weekend and I think it turned out well. :)


(The ref I used was made by @General_Skaza_ )

It's time to belive @Victoree (Oh yeah btw you're on fire)

I'm still doing these! I've reminded myself that some people who sent me refs for the first one I still haven't done, I'm gonna do those before I do the fire ones, school's been getting in the way and then I forget about these so bare with me! Thank you

Anyone want this of their character? Because now I'm doing these because I'm bored, send refs!!! (I dunno the original artist so I cannot credit)

I stole @MaxPryke 's idea but instead of making it clean a pristine I decided the keep it looking bad like the original