Share your creations!

AFNAF is now available!, if by chance you find any bug, let me know to fix it, enjoy the game.

The My first 2d game page has been launched, go and follow the page!

If you thought I had forgotten about this game, you are wrong.

Well, it doesn't matter if you make an effort making a Scott style game, they will still tell you that your game is mediocre and that it has ''''Assest Stolen'''' from Scott's games



I wanted to talk about my games but I haven't had time to upload some posts, so I've decided to talk about my upcoming games in one post.

let's start

In a few days there will be a Devlog 2, stay tuned!

(Sorry for my inactivity)

3D version


Welcome to the community of Aran Bucobo games on Game Jolt!

Bienvenido a la comunidad de juegos de Aran Bucobo en Gamejolt

Post your stuff on the respective channels

Publica tus cosas en los canales respectivos


1 .nsfw forbidden

2 .no fights or polemics

3 .hate is not allowed

4. Do not offend or harass anyone

5. Do not offend members of the community.

6. Don't be rude

7. Not N@p@r


1 .nsfw prohibido

2 .no peleas ni polémicas

3 .no se permite el odio

4. También pueden hablar español

5. No ofender ni acosar a nadie

6. No ofender a los miembros de la comunidad.

7. No ser Grosero

8. No N@p@r

Whoever does not follow the rules will be blocked

Quien no siga las reglas será bloqueado


Respect the community

Respetar la comunidad

@AranBucobo owner
Report A community for about 2 years