Comments (10)

bueno desde star freddy circus la calidad de tus juegos han avanzado muchisimo este juego parece estar ( por lo que veo ) mas ambicioso que los otros proyectos que hiciste antes , bueno aca dejo mi comentario suerte en tus futuros proyectos. pds me olvide de jugar los juegos esto lo opino segun los teasers quisas en unos dias los juege (quien sabe xd).
This game looks like a master pice, I can't wait for try it
Game Soundtrack
Menu Theme
This is a 4-Night FNaF Fangame based at Fredbear's Family Diner.

1985, 2 years after the Bite of '83, they decide to reopen Fredbear's after 2 years, since fredbear's was closed after the death of a child who was bitten by a fredbear.
Henry Emily (Founder of Fredbear's) would then create improved versions of the Animatronics Fredbear and Springbonnie would have a redesign, and they would build a puppet to watch over and protect the children.
It seems that Fredbear would return to his moments of glory, But William Afton modified the artificial intelligence of the animatronics and now they behave strangely, even more so at night.
A security guard is hired to watch over the restaurant for a few nights, but what he didn't expect is that the animatronics would go to kill him and put him in a suit, since the animatronics see him as an endoskeleton without a suit.
This is because of William Afto's modification of the animatronics.
But not only Fredbear and Springbonnie, but also a Prototype version of Fredbear moves, and the Ancient version of Fredbear moves?
Will you survive the nights?

@AranBucobo / Director/ Screenwriter/ Modeler/ Animator/ Programmer
BunZaiPrime/ Animatronics Models
Enyel14Art/ FFD Map Creator
RynFox/ Fredbear and springbonnie plushies
Crikay8, Enyel14Art and SteelWoolStudios/ Some FNaF Props
Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Realistic Bloodshed