Art <3 in Call of Duty MW Storyline/Fandom

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itty bitty art study


I basically just looked at some images of real ppl and drew them..

(minus the ghost one- that one I saw online and is NOT my idea)



I dont know if I hate it or not.. (if you zoom in you can read the words)


This is my first time trying exaggerated prospective-... ehhh im not sure..

Alright, I thought I would post him sooner or later

This is Scrapper, my CoD OC, I have been working on his story for about 7 months now, and I think its due time the world met my baby

The drawing is still a WIP lol. (he has a katana bc he collects em)

The C.O.D whiteboard so far and all the drawings. Also which one is the best one the tiny ghost, ghost ghost, more ghost, ghost infinite, ghost minis one, ghost, konig, skrunkly konig, konig, konig, again another konig, oh yeah and soap

I saw others drawing König (from CoD) with red eyes instead of his usual grey/green! and I just had too... took me around 20 min-

I need to know if the anatomy looks right!

(PS: Drawing at the bottom is a Santa hat, you can see full drawing on my page)