๐Ÿ˜ฑ_Announcements_โ— in ๐ŸŽ‡.TheDrawGamer.๐ŸŽ‡

share creation you got, mate!

Hi guys! I'm back!

new Oc when?

I got 1K Likes in my [single post] (for the first time )

3,000 Followers specials!!!!

shirt & pant are changed to different colour

Holy shit!!!

i added an description for no reason...

maybe i gonna starting my Oc before the June will starts...

(Ik This year have pride month non-stop, i hate my life so much๐Ÿ’€)

Yes!!!! Finally...we react at 100 Members!!!

& Also @Cat_memes is the 100th Member!!!

Congrates people are joined my Community

- we gonna add few Channels & All channel image & banner will be update (I guess...)

welp that's all i have...

5 Members Left!!!



Plz Join :>