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Howdy do everyone X3 out of these faces, which one of these are you today? I would say I'm an "8"

another little peak at the Visual Novel I've been working on

Cinderace being a spoiled lil punk XD

Season Finale Teaser
The Fifth and Final episode of this season

Hooray! I finally got a good Costume for October this year, I learned my lesson last time and managed to buy a costume early

Made a simple drawing of Cinderace and his father. His face looked so funny I decided to finish it. Maybe I'll even do an improved version someday

My friends: Did you know today is International Raccoon day?

Me who didn't know it exists:

me every morning >w<


0w0" Oh golly I forgot about this scene! kinda startled me a little

Good Heavens! Furries? Hunting humans?!....


