What to learn how to draw things? This is the perfect community We take requests to! ^^

Purple guy doesn't want to say it

This was hard to make

But I want to share this to you all

W. I. P brofist

Hoi OwO

This week seasonal is different

I'm changing it sorry if you started but instead you can still post it but in the fan art channel

OK sorry I didn't put the seasonal for the last 2 weeks

But this week is fanart

Draw fanart you want to make for anyone all

Even if there not on GameJolt

This is my banner

OK so some how I won so instead in second place was @Cool_Skeleton_ so congratulations on winning this one

We're blowing up fast

Epictale Sans drawing by me

Swapfell Papyrus drawing by me

So the story of this special

Welcome to the Drawing lessons community here on Game Jolt!

I AnimeTale will give drawing lessons I also give drawing lessons on my YouTube channel called AnimeTale with the same profile picture! I will help you draw. We have a seasonal channel and every week is a category that you and the community will draw. This is optional.

May/25/2020 = 100 members

@AnimeTale owner
Report A community for about 4 years