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Welcome Back Michael

since 5000 views are fairly close and we dont have a full trailer, I will be posting a bunch of behind the scenes stuff fro you guys until we have a trailer out : ]

Wanted to just make a clearer announcement about the impersonator thing

Impersonators made a NEW account which is even worse.

because now they just straight up used the name @REIMAGINED_Team. Ironically, they are following almost everyone on the REAL reimagined team, which is troubling.

the impersonators have been found! the account name is @ReimaginationTeam . the account has a gamepage for a fnaf 2 reimagined that uses frames from jumpscares that I have made without permission. this team is not associated with our reimagined at all.

Just realized I'm 5 subs away from 100, PLEASE go subscribe! it means a lot to me!