All Posts in Five Night's at Exe's Official Community
Cat, with my voice again
This time it sounds way better too
ain't gonna lie i feel like i'm the only reason this community is alive lmao
random fun fact (at least according to google)
in Sonic, Vector is the oldest character with a confirmed age, at 20 years old
now to be fair, Eggman, Vanilla, and some other characters are definitely older than him, but they don't have confirmed ages
Why did youtube recommended this to me?
WHAAAT!!!!!!!????!!!! *GAAAAAAAASP* I'm #GJFamous
Thank you so much guys! ^^
Maybe I will become a developer someday XD
alright, this is probably gonna suck
only rule im putting up (aside from the main rule) is that it can't be stuff i'm not willing to publicly reveal
He was sleeping on the stairs
Also voice reveal :D
So if you were ever curious about what my voice sounded like, boom, your question's been answered