All Posts in DieGGo's Official Community


American folks, y'all good?

Objective: Be friends with every cool people you see.

Difficulty: INTROVERT

You all know what's coming this month ;)

Btw, follow @GhostyIrene NOW

She's new in Game Jolt and she's a great artist and a good friend too!

So when you can make sure to follow her to see some good art ☕️

Hey y'all, so sadly, I'll have to delay this game to another day and won't release it on Halloween.

But hey, at least I won't be rushing it like I did with FNaP 2 LOL

New game for Halloween coming soon!

I'm cooking.

Me thinks I should do a short game related to Pumpk for Halloween

I actually forgot about my #spawnday lol

Anyways, 4 years on Game Jolt, crazy ☕️

Hey y'all, sorry for disappearing.

Had some family issues and I couldn't be really online at the time. But I'm okay y'all, no worries. :)