Questions in Fangames At Freddy's

About dnaf soundtracks, what is the best?
So, three weeks gone after releasing demo. And now time to ask you. Do you wanna see a full game or not?

About Showstar Chica's jumpcare, wich one was better?

Is Bibsy's character design too similar to Jollibee, and do you think it should be more like the original?
Should i make a FNAF Fan Game :/
If JRs was able to be finished & released without Ramenov's Involvement. . .
Why couldn't the OTHER people who worked on Chomper's do the same exact thing for Chomper's without Ultranite's involvement?!
Which character would you like to see as a how to draw tutorial?
Here is my how to draw FNAF character tutorials channel
What is your favorite fnaf Fangames?
Should I add a Puppet/Marionette to the game?? (the Paranormal Investigation one)

Who should I draw next? Chica? Bonnie? Foxy? Lemme know!