Game Theories in Garten Of BanBan Community

{Flumbo} And His Friends Welcome You!

So, on the trivia from the Banban wiki, it says Banban 5 will be the last game until more proven in Banban 8. I don't know if Banban 8 will exist after 5. (if not than the nightmare will finally be over)

The nanny theory

Theory Eddie playtime is the evil twin of buggy huggy

I might have a theory....

Banban facts: the devs also used AI Generation for Banban 6 but no one never knows about that...

Well. Banban 6 and 5 have been revealed. (Saying that because 6 was revealed before 5). So that could mean that every game so far has released around 4 months after the other games release and if they get released at the same time it could take 8 months.

This IS Real Chapter 4 Garten Of Banban ?????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is really slinte steve

Is “Garten” supposed to be slang for “Kindergarten”?

Oh my god i think it is-


Are they the same?0-0#turbo#slowseline