BATMAN STUFF in Batman Fan Club

Dunununununununununa BATMANNNNNN

Side quest for #BatmanDay

Celebrate Bruce's birthday !

Comment "I'm Batman " ( or something containing it ) and put Batman stickers all over this post .

Also my favorite batman is the 1989 one because that is one of the only ones I saw lol

Byebye Batfans

Anyone wanna join my batman fan community

Anyone ?

(I don't really care if you join , it would just be kinda cool)

BATMAN DRAWING ( and a bunch of pictures of making it in reverse )


What is batman's real name ?

Who is Dick Grayson ?

What is the Joker's origin story ?

What is the RED HOOD'S origin story ?

In what year did Tim Burton make a adaptation of batman ?

Where is Gotham located?