General in Lores N' Theories

It's just a theorie.

This is a pin, just sayin'. :D GOAL : 100 FOLLOWERS, AND 2500 LIKES!! >:D

My new-year Goals:

Release Underverse RNG

Get 250 Followers

Get 5000 Likes

Make in FNP 3 Super hard Song PFC

Get on this post 100 Likes

Make 2+ Updates in Underverse RNG

Guys, i have a MARIO MADNESS V2 Theory,

After u beat the Mario songs first 2

Then u fell down to the Multiverse of every game in mario, and other Time lines, bc like in Alone, we see that Boyfriend has Suicideced, and hes a ghost.

soo ye. epic-

Guys? i have a theory-

Pov : How people see games! (example of the game : Dandy's world )

chat, i have a Lore Theory of Grace!!!

You're in a experiment, SCP like, u need to survive the Monsters that are called the Gracers, Who are UNKNOWN to human-being, you need to figure out what happend here, but somone was here before you,